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Monday 1 April 2013

Blog Tour and Review: Owlet- Emma Michaels

Title: Owlet
Author: Emma Michaels
Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
Tour Host: Lady Amber's Tours

Summary: Somewhere between falling and flying… there is a girl.

Iris has a secret. She lost her memory eight years ago and never told a living soul. After an asthma attack one night she finds out that her dreams of a strange house on a snowy island may be a memory resurfacing but the more she learns about the past the more she realizes the life she has been living is a lie. As the façade her father has built starts to crumble around her she will have to decide which means more to her; the truth or her life.


 Iris watched her balcony doors open of their own accord, daring her to jump. The wind  pushed and pulled the curtains but the doors were completely still against the walls,waiting for her to make a move. Her room was alive and gently trying to push her toleave the safety of its four walls, like a mother bird pushing its child from the nest.
“Yes. Fly. You can do it. You know you want to. Jump. It will be so easy.” Thevoice was soothing and feminine.
 Iris threw the sheets off her legs and walked to her bedroom door. Turning and  facing her balcony, trying to decide if she would give in to her bedroom’s strange form of  guidance, she listened carefully to the hypnotic voice.
“Jump. You know you can do it. Run. Jump. Fly… Run. Jump. Fly. I will leadyou there. To the place you wish to see…”
The voice remained soft and lightly tempting but with no real force behind it, letting Iris know that the final decision was hers to make.

This wasn’t the first time her dreams had taken on a mind of their own. She would close her eyes each night and everything would meld with her memories of the night shedecided to never leave her father’s side. There was a big difference between Iris when she was awake and when she was fast asleep. When she slept, she knew that what her heart was telling her was true; she was only one leap of faith away from flying. Running to the balcony she climbed over the railing and looked at the night sky.
“It is so simple. Just…FALL.”

Title: Owlet
Author: Emma Michaels
Pages: 138
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Review: I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review. I was really drawn to this book because of the beautiful cover art. The summary also caught my attention (I actually read this one), the summary made this book sound like a great mystery filled with secrets. Unfortunately, I did not really enjoy this book. I really liked e idea of people having half animal half human souls, the was very unique, but the book didn't click for me. I was pretty confused through the whole book. Lots of great questions arose though out the book but were never answered. I found this extremely annoying. I found there to be a lot of reminiscing and the main character kept having conversations with herself I guess, we don't really find out if it is her or someone else or both.
Iris was an okay character but the most interesting thing about her was she had a severe asthma, usually passed out if she excreted herself and ended up hooked to machines to save her. There were lots of other characters too, but like iris you don't really get to know them or anything about them for that matter. But what I do know is they all have secrets.
In order for me to carry on with this series, book two will need to be more interesting and answer all of the questions asked. I would recommend this book to those readers looking for something new.

Author Bio:

Personal: Emma Michaels is a cover artist and author of The Thirteenth ChimeAnasazi,Firstling and Owlet. As the founder of The Writers Voice blog ( she loves to connect authors and readers. Her love of blogging started when she created a review blog in 2009 ( that gave her that final push towards submitting her novel to her first publisher, Bokheim Publishing. With her novel Owlet and her full ‘Society of Feathers’ series being published through Tribute Books she feels blessed to be working with two of her favorite publishers to bring her books to life.

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